
These are my side projects, those stories that must be told, driven only by a passion for the topic and a need to get the story out into the world. 



Skip Work and Surf

Volkswagen vans and surf culture have a long intertwining history, and Rich Kimball is right in the middle of it. As a community organizer for Southern California VW enthusiasts, Rich loves to gather people together around their shared passions. He finally decided to bring his two passions together and create Big Wednesday, a VW gathering/surf contest/beach day at San Onofre State Beach. It's a beautiful thing when people decided to hop in their VW and "Skip work and surf".

This video was created for the Big Wednesday event, 2016. Special thanks to Rich Kimball and family.

Partnered with Tony Cruz and Scott Erickson.

Brand Video: Tres Flechas Surfboards

Wrote and produced this piece on functional artist, Josiah Morris, and his new company Tres Flechas surfboards. Josiah shares the heart behind his brand, talks about his roots in CA, and helps us understand the vision for Tres Flechas.

Partnered with Director, Tony Cruz.

#thatvanagain Project

#thatvanagain is a short-form documentary film project founded by myself, Tony Cruz and Scott Erickson.

The film tells the stories of VW surf vans and the craftsmen, creators, artists and wanderers who seek the freedom to chart their unique paths through life. The goal is to document surf culture through the VW van life, capturing authentic moments to inspire others to seek adventure in nature.

Partnered with Directors, Scott Erickson and Tony Cruz.

The Nicaragua Mural Project

This was the premier for the Abel Arts Collective, a non-profit dedicated to helping underserved communities through public art projects. The project took place in the Playa Gigante's new Community Health Center. The AAC partnered with Project Woo and the local community and designed and painted a gorgeous two-wall mural.

Production responsibilities included storyboarding, shoot logistics, short form documentary storytelling, and post-production.

For more information check out:

Partnered with Director, Tony Cruz.